Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Things I'll Miss Most

Okay, so, last night I was packing up the rest of my things because I'll probably head back to school a week from today. I have most of my stuff down at school and I'm down to two boxes of clothing, a box of scrap booking stuff, three drawers of hair & face products, some books, two bikes, and a couple other odds and ends. Bittersweet feeling I guess and here's what I'll probably miss the most...


Chatter said...

Cute pic of Karen & Ron! With all these blog post, I assume you are trying not to study :)

James said...

You'll miss Quentin eating ice cream cones and giving you dirty looks?


Kirst said...

Have you ever met Quentin? That's like the one expression he has, plus, who doesn't like ice cream?