Monday, February 8, 2010

The more things change the more things stay the same

Today my insomniac ways were the cause of me being late for "History of Medicine", shame on me. On a positive note, I'm to 18 hours of being television free, and the challenge presses on.

So in class today our professor was describing a case in the late 19th century about a woman who was surgically sterlized because she was deemed "feeble minded". Apparently such an operation was legal for medics in the United States (shocking!) and the Scandinavian countries. It's such a violation of the basic human rights that I find it appalling. Then it got me thinking about the lack of humanity in the world today. Exploitation, starvation, trafficking, and the devaluing of individuals, but as Rene Debos would say, as long as there are young rebels in our midst there is hope. So, I am hopeful.

Current obsessions:

-The Weepies, still


Anonymous said...

I love the new pic, is that london?

Urchin said...

It is an awesome pic - Did you take it?

And yes, there is much lack of humanity, but I still think the good outweigh the evil. And the rebels are rising!

Kirst said...

I did take that pic! :) It's over Waverly Station in Edinburgh. Actually I was in a cemetery but it was a beautiful view of the city.

Anonymous said...

rene dubos is the shizzit
