Monday, December 10, 2007

Late Nights

So, have I mention lately that I hate school? For those of you who know me, that would be a yes. Recently, I've been spending about ninety percent of my waking hours studying, studying, and doing a bit more studying. Well, the other night, which was actually the wee morning hours, I was sitting in a 24-hour library, you know, studying. And I could just feel this huge booger in nose, and it was really in there and it even started to impair my breathing, which was quite distracting I might add. Well, this posed a problem because I had all my study material set out just the way I liked it and if I went to the restroom I would have to pack it all up and set it up again, and that would just take to much time, time that I can't afford to waste. So, I waited. At that time there were three other groups studying, by five, there was only one other group and I saw my opportunity. I'm not going to lie, I was nervous, if someone saw me picking my nose in public, I'm not sure I could keep a straight face. So, I went for it, and no joke the kid across the room just happened to look up at me. I did what could and tried to play off the old "my nose itched" tricked, but I could see he wasn't fooled. He mumbled something to his friends and they all got a laugh, I, on the other hand, looked intently at my papers pretending to be fully focused and unable to trouble myself with nonsense because given the situation I had no choice.


Anonymous said...

i think i would have taken a chance and left my belongings at the table and went to the restroom

Anonymous said...

i think ur fat and gross....

Anonymous said...

i can't believe u pick ur nose....and in a public library, you pry scared the poor kid

Anonymous said...

In regards to the A-hole above, your not fat and you are kind of gross. Anyhow your preoccupied with school right? Just carry tissues with you from now on. Good luck on finals.


James said...

Once I was busted I would have looked at them, smiled... and eaten it.

Chatter said...

LOL. First off, we'll talk at Christmas about how to successfully pick a booger and secondly, James gave you the perfect solution if you do get caught. Next time ask the librarian for a tissue :)