So much to tell so little time. Well, last week I discovered the most wonderful place to go, the celery bog, basically it's a place to go, hike, and RELAX. Three days in a row last week I biked out there for lunch, it's about two miles away. On the way there I had to bike up this bitch of a hill, lucky for me it's next to a busy highway where plenty of people get to see my fat ass struggle to get up the hill, once I got the bog I remember that it was totally worth it. Also, the hill does have its perks every once in a while, for instance, on my way back the other day two chicks were roller blading down the hill and one of them completely biffed it. I know I'm a bitch, but it was hilarious.
Speaking of biffing it, don't you hate it when you're driving and somebody cuts you off? You know what's even more annoying? When somebody cuts you off and they hit you...on a bike. Yeah, that left a mark the next day, and I thought it would be a smart idea to do some heavy biking for the next three days after the accident. Nope, not a good idea! My knee didn't appreciate that very much especially since my left knee absorb the brunt of the force, and probably my shoulder, I'm just grateful I had my helmet on. For the past couple days I've avoided my regular activities like biking and running in hopes that my knees will soon be back to normal, which really sucks because I've managed to replace exercising with food, I love how I'm so healthy. Ha ha! I suppose it could be seen as a good thing because I probably replaced the time I would have spent exercising with studying, and after the two exams I had tonight I'm hoping it paid off. I'm feeling pretty good about one of them, fingers crossed, and I'm not sure about the other. Ready to call it a night, peace out.
You are a bitch. Just kidding. I would totally laugh too! I still can't believe you and poe both got hit by cars on your bikes. What's up with that? Hope your knee gets better soon.
your sexy sister,
Cool pics! They make me want to go out to the park. Sucks about the accident, but consider yourself lucky to walk away with just some surface wounds. I didn't realize you had become a triathlete. You go!
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